What type of cases can be referred for mediation?

Mediation can be used to resolve a wide range of disputes, across both civil and commercial contexts. Here are the types of cases commonly referred for mediation:

Family Disputes

Divorce and Separation: Issues related to divorce, such as division of property, alimony, and spousal support.

Child Custody: Disputes over custody arrangements, visitation rights, and parenting plans.

Child Support: Disagreements about the amount or payment of child support.

Family Property Disputes: Conflicts involving the division of family-owned property or assets.

Elder Care and Guardianship: Disputes over the care and guardianship of elderly family members.

Commercial and Business Disputes

Contract Disputes: Conflicts arising from breach of contract or interpretation of contract terms.

Partnership Disputes: Disagreements between business partners regarding the management or dissolution of a partnership.

Debt Recovery: Issues involving unpaid debts or disputes over payment terms.

Franchise Disputes: Conflicts between franchisors and franchisees regarding agreements or operations.

Employment Disputes: Disputes between employers and employees related to wages, termination, workplace harassment, or discrimination.

Intellectual Property Disputes: Conflicts over the use, ownership, or infringement of intellectual property rights.

Civil Disputes

Property Disputes: Issues involving the ownership, use, or boundary disputes of real property.

Landlord-Tenant Disputes: Conflicts over rent, maintenance, eviction, or lease terms.

Personal Injury: Cases involving claims for compensation due to accidents, injuries, or negligence.

Construction Disputes: Disagreements between contractors, subcontractors, and clients over construction projects.

Neighbor Disputes: Conflicts between neighbors over issues like noise, property lines, or shared amenities.

Community and Social Disputes

Housing Disputes: Conflicts within housing societies, homeowners’ associations, or between residents and management.

Educational Disputes: Disagreements involving schools, colleges, or universities, such as student grievances or conflicts between educational institutions and families.

Consumer Disputes: Issues between consumers and businesses over goods, services, or warranties.

Financial Disputes

Banking and Insurance Disputes: Issues involving claims, policies, or agreements with banks or insurance companies.

Investment Disputes: Conflicts arising from investment agreements, returns, or mismanagement of funds.

Commercial – Consumer / merchant, small claims, workplace, bad cheques, accident compensation.

Miscellaneous – Police / citizen, minor criminal, victim / offender, disabilities, cross-cultural, religious / charitable, multi party etc.

Mediation is a flexible and adaptable process that can be applied to a wide variety of disputes, offering a way to resolve conflicts amicably and efficiently.

What type of cases can be referred for mediation?

Many couple they file their divorce however, some of them go for mutual divorce in Delhi after mediation.

Mutual Divorce in Delhi


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